During admission we follow the below procedure |
Special education is the functional educational. It’s Aim at leading a child towards reduced dependence on others and provide maximum personal, social and occupational competency.
We follow the BASIC – MR (Behavioral Assessment Scale for Indian Children – Mentally Retarded) to assess the students individually and fix the syllabus accordingly. On a quarterly basis we evaluate the students’ achievement and re-fix the syllabus.
In the vocational group we train them in cover making, hand work materials, labon stems, Utensils Cleaning powder and Medical cover.
In Every three months we conduct the parents meeting. In it we elaborately discuss the improvement of the students and educate them the future needs of kids according to their age.
In children with MR, One of the major concerns is the motor problem. These children have problem in
1) Movement of parts of body.
2) Moving from place to place.
3) Maintenance of body posture.
4) Maintenance of body balance.
Generally these children with motor problems are categorized into two broad groups,
1) Stiff child: Increased tone in the muscle, stiffness in different parts of the body.
2) Floppy Child: Low tone in the muscle, Loose muscles and Joints.
Physiotherapy used for decrease the stiffness, improve the muscle strength & endurance and stimulation for floppy muscles. We use NDT (Neuro Development Therapy) Technique.
Movement and play experiences provide the foundation for the development of motor, sensory, perceptual, cognitive, language and social skills for infant and young children. For the infant and young child with physical or other developmental delays, these experiences are compromised. This means that parents and professionals need to work together as a team to create opportunities for movement and learning.
Early intervention is useful between 0 – 6 years children. In our centre we follow “Portage Basic Training Principle” to improve cognitive, social, motor and speech activities. Children in and around Rajapalayam are getting benefit from this technique.
There is nothing more elemental in all existence than communication it is very essence of life. Disorders of speech and language are found in a wide variety of conditions in which mental retardation is a major one. Speech therapist role in the field of mental retardation is four fold
1) Estimation of type and extent of speech and language problems.
2) To plan and execute speech and language intervention programs.
3) To plan and execute research in the concerned areas.
4) To take part in training programs for various professionals in the field of Mental retardation.
On a fortnightly basis we give speech therapy to our school students.
In view of the gravity and seriousness of mental retardation and the intricacies involved in the methods aimed at dealing with it, a great care and caution has to be exercised while forming the groups of children depending upon their level of I.Q. for the purpose of their education and training. With the active involvement of parents and trained teachers, we plan lessons to be taught to them every week and keep on revising these lessons off and on depending upon the progress of the children and, if necessary, to keep on shifting a child from one group to the other so that he finds the group congenial and education and training meaningful.
Pre-primary Level: Skills imparted at this level are eye-hand co-ordination activities, Motor, self help, language, social skills and pre-academics.
Primary Level: The curriculum at this level which includes personal adequacy skills, functional academics and social competence.
Secondary Level: In this level, the skills developed at primary level are further strengthened and emphasis is on functional academics. Vocational skills and social competence necessary for daily living such as time and Money concept, readings sign boards and survival words and signing and independent travel skills will form important components of the curriculum.
Pre-vocational Level:
Here the emphasis should be on work skills and social competence. Work routine, discipline, good manners and personal skills such as appropriate grooming, shaving, and menstrual hygiene and recreation skills form part of this group’s curriculum. The skills such as money and time will be strengthened at this stage.
Anti-convulsion and muscle relaxant drugs are freely provided to financially down rotten students.